We are a Georgia Based Tutoring Company.
A little about us..
Our tutors are vastly experienced from working with students from Elementary through High School. They are also expertly matched with our students, using our vigorous selection program
We work with the student's' teacher to make sure all the students educational needs are met
It is our belief that if we can permanently instill the confidence that our students display while working one-on-one with our tutors, they will excel in all the exams that are put in front of them
Every child learns differently. We understand that alternative methods may need to be used e.g. Visual, Auditory & Kinesthetic
Our curriculum will help your child excel in school as we not only provide an excellent foundation, we also encourage students to further challenge themselves
How does Rising Star Tutors differ from the rest?
With a vast amount of Teaching & Tutoring experience, our tutor have already come across many of the problems that your child may be facing. Our students will have a solution to your child’s worries, whether it be for Test Prep or for one of their subjects at school.
With material made from our years of experience and custom exam prep and study plans, we understand that every student is different. Every student has his/her own stumbling blocks and may sometimes need a personalized route to success.
Members of our team have participated in education research group. “Rising star’s Guide to success on the SAT/ACT” was made while keeping these methods and retention elements in mind. We tutor primarily from our own material because we believe in our products and have seen the positive results.
With the correct application of retention skills and a positive mindset, we firmly believe that we push our students to soar and reach new heights.
The learning continues even after our tutoring sessions: Students will have FREE access to our resources network where they can further their education. They will also have access to our Homework Helper, which is a unique service created by Rising Star Tutors.
Click here to become a Rising Star.